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Manchester Locomotive Society
Founded 1935

Useful Links

Railway Club Directory

RealTime Trains

The Signalling Record Society

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Stephenson Locomotive Society

Manchester Model Railway Society

North Wales Coast Railway

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East Lancs Railway

Rail Map Online


Train Log 60s

Railtour Info

Friends of the NRM

since June 2023

Brand new!  LNER B1's 1158 and 1159 pass through the MSJ&A platform at Manchester London Road Station on delivery from Vulcan Foundry on May 14th 1947.
Photo: Manchester Locomotive Society Collection

About the Society

We publish a bi-monthly magazine, 'The Mancunian' which contains interesting and informative articles submitted mainly by members covering a variety of interests such as the history of locomotives  and lines, current events as well as personal reminiscences of the past.  The success of this magazine is reflected by the number of 'out of town members' that we have and the lively correspondence it generates.

An edition of our magazine (September 2022) can be viewed here.

The Society is the proud owner of an extensive and varied collection of books, photographs, and archive material covering locomotives, rolling stock, architecture and signalling. In addition the library has a comprehensive collection of timetables and publications from other societies. All of these are available to members.

If you would like to join then please write (including a S.A.E.) to our Membership Secretary for more information.

MLS Membership Secretary,
26 Alcester Road,
M33 3QP

or email:

Page updated May 24th 2024